35: Negotiations

Basil stepped out of the jet and towards the Redcap’s keep, keeping a close eye on the soldiers surrounding the building. They were certainly watching him, but they all looked apathetic and tired, at least externally. His radio conversation with Cicero a few minutes prior also carried the same tone. Cicero hadn’t expressed any anger or said anything would be unsafe, but he had also acted as if they weren’t moments away from shooting each other 24 hours ago.

However, as he continued his approach, he saw Spiro standing outside the building as if waiting for his arrival. As much as Basil kept telling himself he was looking forward to this conversation, he only found himself feeling dread. He slowed, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket to calm his nerves.

He felt the nicotine begin to take effect. Ever since taking hold of the (object), he’d been finding stimulants felt even more potent. Downers like the painkillers he was on felt slightly less effective, but even mild stimulants like nicotine or caffeine felt more potent and seemed to compound with whatever the (object)’s effect was. He also didn’t feel his lungs burning, so that was nice. However, Spiro was now within earshot, so he was out of time to distract himself from the conversation.

“I am truly sorry for what I got you involved with” Spiro said as soon as Basil made eye contact. Spiro’s words sounded genuine, although somewhat rehearsed, but of course with the recent events Basil questioned their sincerity. The two stood in silence, Basil still looking towards the castle entrance, considering walking through it and leaving the conversation on hold until he better understood what was running through his head.

“Something?” Spiro said, before hesitating and continuing “Anything? Before you tear my limbs off.” Basil burst out laughing, remnants of that strange surge of energy fading away. For a moment, he felt like he was joking with the guy who had saved his life and had gone to hell and back with him. Then he realized that Spiro looked terrified. Right, Spiro wasn’t joking because he cast them all into their metaphorical hell to begin with. “I don’t know” Basil said, finally realizing he wasn’t going to come up with anything better to say.

“After everything that happened, I don’t even know what to think. I killed people, a lot of people, and got involved in a fight that I don’t know I should have.” Basil paused for a moment. “Or, well, maybe I was nieve to think I could stick around and not get involved. And now I’ve got this thing, this (object). I’m worried about what I’ve almost done after getting it and I don’t even know if I can trust my own judgment. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pissed, but I don’t have any answers beyond that.”

Spiro looked as if he was unsure whether to smile or remain with his fairly somber face. Eventually, he seemed to settle on a smile. “Well, I’m glad you decided to leave my limbs still attached to the rest of me. I spoke to Grey as you were leaving; she refused to speak to me outside of telling me that with that thing you have, my last moments were probably going to be you beating me with one of my limbs.”

“So, why?” Basil asked, ignoring Spiro’s response. Spiro looked like he was thinking things over. After a long pause, Spiro glanced around to seemingly ensure nobody else was around and began speaking. “Well, Amigoso is a lot smaller than the two big players here, so when there were talks of peace I was told to keep those two from killing each other. Peace is fine, war is fine, but one kills the other and they inevitably start looking in our direction.” Spiro hesitated for a moment. “Well, I would prefer peace. Although I may not have demonstrated it, I do hate to see senseless killing. But that’s less relevant when I was working in service to Amigoso.”

Basil nodded, mainly as a signal for Spiro to continue with his motivations. “All was well until my listening device picked up the Redcap’s assassination plan, so I tipped off the Lizard King. He leaves, but you escort him. However, nobody’s shot anybody yet, everything’s in limbo; all is good. I tell you the Lizard King is paranoid, you don’t take a side, and negotiations probably pick up later through intermediaries. But then” Spiro gestured to Basil’s chest.

“Then what?” Basil asked, somewhat confused. “Then you turn on that computer thing on and I know for sure you’re not a Loqualian trying to con us. A few hours later I hear that the Lizard King has some sort of secret weapon and he’s planning a retaliation, same issue but reversed, one leader on Domum proper means Amigoso is in danger. I figure hey, the alien can maybe stop that.” Basil began to feel as if he understood how everything fell together. “Then you found out that that secret was captured Elthrice technology.” Spiro nodded. “Yes. And upon seeing the Elthrice crafts I realized I was now in service to all of Domum instead of just Amigoso; and that those things had to be stopped.”

Basil stood there in silence, thinking this over, still with no conclusions. Spiro probably wasn’t lying now, although perhaps he couldn’t be entirely sure. He had risked his life by confessing to double crossing everybody when guns were out, which had stopped a war, although that did seem to work out well for him. Perhaps Cicero had the right idea: just act like nothing ever happened.

Spiro gestured for Basil to follow him, and the two started walking deeper into the castle. “Well, the Lizard King was willing to return to the heart of enemy territory, so negotiations had a pretty good start. The Redcaps wanted heavy concessions for the attack, but news arrived that several counties declared themselves independent from the Redcap crown. Dealing with the uprisings and rebuilding means they’re not in a good bargaining position. The Lizard King’s capitol suffered some damage at the hands of the Elthrice, though not as much as the Redcaps; but with the generations long decline they’ve been on they need peace badly.”

Basil was slightly surprised at the sudden change in topic. “I’m not really a politics guy, much less a Domum politics guy, but you keep saying these things like they’re good news, and they don’t sound like it.” Spiro continued to walk but turned to face Basil. “It means that nobody can afford to fight anymore, and like it or not, they need to put an end to this.” Basil suddenly felt a little suspicious. “And what of Amigoso? Now that you finished being man of the people, did they order you to do some sort of power play during the negotiations?” Spiro turned to Basil and smirked, then turned back to walking ahead.

“Oh, they’re pissed I’m doing this. They’re upset when their machines make their way to the mainland, and once they hear I’m presiding over negotiations, the Minister of Information will probably want my head. And not attached to my body. But,” Spiro chuckled “being the Chairman’s great nephew they’ll be hamstrung.” Basil’s suspicion was canceled by surprise. “You’re his nephew?” Spiro sounded amused. “Well, we don’t really see eye to eye on a lot; I wasn’t entirely bullshitting you when I said an out in my back pocket would be good, but familial bonds are enough to keep him from ordering my execution.”

They rounded a corner and the newly appointed Redcap Queen shot daggers with her eyes at Basil. The Lizard King, however, seemed more happy to see Basil despite the Wizard’s apparent discomfort. “My son, he is safe?” Basil nodded. “Safe and sound, from the sounds of it you’ll be headed out soon?” The Lizard king confirmed such and gave Basil a brief overview of the negotiations. Largely, fighting had been agreed to stop, and most of the front lines being fought over would likely wind up abandoned under each nation’s inability to project military power into those regions. As they spoke they took an opposite route to the one Basil had just taken with Spiro, winding up back in the courtyard by Basil’s jet. The Lizard King spoke to his son, and after a reunion the Wizard and the Lizard King’s son left their company at the Lizard King’s request.

“Basil,” the Lizard king said “Beyond your interest in this conflict, I believe you are here because you have a question or request?” Basil nodded, not realizing he was that easily read. “Look, I really don’t know where we stand, given everything that went on between us.” Basil paused momentarily, and when the Lizard king remained silent he continued. “But you know the Elthrice given your firsthand experience. Gray said there were more Elthrice supposedly in the area, real ones that could pose a significant threat. I want to propose a mutual defense collaboration with you, me, and the Redcaps in case they arrive.” The Lizard King remained in silence long after Basil had finished speaking. “Basil, you are many things. A traitor and protector, a dangerous outsider and one who may protect us from dangerous outsiders. However, I have seen the destruction the Elthrice can bring firsthand, and you likely prevented my death and my son’s death even if they would not have been risked had it not been in part by your hands.”

The Lizard King waited a moment after speaking his words before continuing to speak. “Perhaps, but I would need to know more of your plans to say for certain.” Basil went on to explain the situation. The Elthrice crafts, even the surviving obsolete ones, were very durable and would require very serious weaponry to destroy, bordering on nuclear - which delved into a long explanation of what a nuclear weapon was. The Elthrice, though, even Orbitals, were still beings that could be more easily killed. Despite the Elthrice’s technical advantage, as Basil explained, weapon destructiveness progressed exponentially while defense against such weapons progressed linearly. With Basil’s ability to manufacture weapons such as drones bearing explosives, they could likely take out a large number of Elthrice - especially given they had no crafts with weaponry, at least according to Gray.

Basil suggested bringing wormhole devices to key points on the continent. While Basil was unsure if that particular continent would even be the target - as perhaps the group Grey was a part of only invaded that continent for linguistic reasons given Grey’s abilities - they could likely defend the entire continent if needed by transportation between key points. Those key points, ideally, were the Lizard king’s and Redcap’s capitals, the Arkepello, and Amigoso - though getting one in Amigoso was unlikely. After assurances of Basil’s benign intentions and an explanation that emphasized the device’s need for power - that could be disabled by turning off the generator attached to the wormhole device - the Lizard King agreed to the plan. “Yes, that does sound to be in the interest of me and my people, and I will agree to allow you to setup one of those devices for travel and defense.”

After thanking the Lizard King, Basil went to leave; however, the Lizard King gave Basil a request of his own. “Basil, will you accompany me? If you so agree, you would join me as a guest of honor, and it would be a sign to my subjects that you are an ally once again and not an enemy.” Basil smiled. “Of course, I’d be honored. Besides, I could bring the components to set up the device. Do we take my jet, your blimp, or the Elthrice craft?”