34: Hello Jarvis

Basil’s earpiece buzzed. “Where are you going to put the craft?” Grey asked, still inside it. “I’m on an island, an independent nation that split away from the Redcaps called Arkepello, formerly known as Arkepello County.” Grey asked for clarification. “And you’re sure that they will let you keep it there? If you’re worried about the Redcaps soldiers, then what will stop these people from trying to take it or destroy it?” Basil hesitated momentarily, trying to think of the best way to word his response, eventually settling on the truth but told in a way that sounded like a joke. “Well, I’m not sure if they’ll let me. Last time I spoke to them one of them ordered I be hanged, so that’s why I’m asking first.”

“If they ordered you hanged then why are you going back there?” Grey asked with some concern in her voice. “Hold on, I’m there; I’ll update you on what they say in a minute.” Basil stepped into the tower, seeing a shocked Simon. “Basil?” he exclaimed, adding “I thought you were dead.” Basil smiled. “Hey Simon, well, I’m very much not so.” Simon looked happy to see Basil, although he seemed a little uneasy after a moment. “You’re not here to…” Simon began to say, but his voice trailed off. Basil shook his head. “Just here to say hi, tell Tobias what really happened, and see where I stand.” Simon seemed relieved and his smile returned. “Well, I’m happy you’re alive.”

Basil made his way up the steps, and walking through the door General Tobias exclaimed a similar response to Simon. “Basil!” before a quick pause and “The reports came in that you had died in the fighting.” Tobias also had concern in his voice, seeming unsure where Basil stood. “Simon didn’t radio you that I was coming?” Basil asked, but Tobias almost laughed. “Well, it’s a good thing we’re not a nation at war I guess." Tobias sighed. “That kid is a good kid, but still a lousy guard.” Tobias spoke as if he was talking to an old friend, but his voice took on a more cautious tone as he continued. “But I believe you must have some story to tell.”

“I do indeed. And it covers everything from peace between the Redcaps and Lizard king, aliens – not like me aliens but like they came from space aliens – called Elthrice, and some pretty bummer war stories.” Basil paused and changed the topic. “However, I believe before I tell you any of that, I need to set the record straight and correct the lies Jarvis likely told you.” Basil first went on to explain the situation that led up to the time Jarvis had ordered Basil’s execution and afterward gave a brief summary of events that had transpired after the chaos some hours later. Once he had finished speaking, he waited for Tobias’s response, which took a considerable time as Tobias remained silent while mulling things over in his mind. “Well, that is a very unexpected story, even knowing yours before today. You’ll forgive me if I need more than your word.” Basil nodded. “Look out the window” Basil stated matter-of-factly, pointing to the Elthrice craft hovering in the sky. Tobias looked impressed, but not entirely convinced.

“I saw your aircraft fly off this island several days ago; how do I know for sure that a captured craft cooperates your story?” Basil thought for a moment. “Do you know Cicero or Spiro?” Tobias seemed slightly confused. “I know of Cicero, the advisor to, as you say, the late Redcap King.” Basil nodded. “I should be able to have Cicero and the Lizard King confirm my story of events, and with the siege over you will likely have reports coming in soon.” Tobias finally seemed convinced. “Okay, I believe you, you have never lied to me before. I will not act against Jarvis until I have more confirmation of your story, but if you can get Cicero and the Lizard King to agree on something, I will believe anything you say.”

Tobias smiled as he said the last statement, and Basil grinned knowing he was still welcomed at the Arkepello. The smile quickly turned to a frown, however, as Tobias spoke. “I will have Jarvis stripped from his position on the council for what he tried to do.” Basil felt something like a surge of energy wash over him. “Stripped from the council!? The asshole tried to murder me!?” Tobias responded in a more controlled voice than Basil had used. “You have to understand, this is a delicate-” but Basil cut him off.

“The only thing that’s going to be delicate will be Jarvis’s forehead when I put a bullet in it” Basil said, the surge of energy affirming his new plan. Tobias frowned, speaking sternly but still trying to de-escalate Basil. “I cannot let you do that, Basil.” Basil just laughed. “Or what? Will you strip my non-existent seat from the council? If you’re so weak of a leader that you can’t punish murder then I think I’ll be just fine.” Tobias went to speak, but Basil left the room and slammed the door behind him. Simon, naive smile on his face, said something to Basil; but he paid him no attention.

Jarvis heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Basil’s fist flying at his face. Jarvis lay on the ground, confused and wide-eyed at Basil’s presence. Basil closed the door behind him, pistol in hand, and started to bring it up. Jarvis remained motionless as if he didn’t fully comprehend the situation.

Something clicked in Basil’s mind like a tripwire going off. A flashback of shooting a soldier in the back to take the tank flooded his mind, suddenly warring with the energy that told him to shoot the man in front of him. He went to fire, but the trigger wouldn’t pull. He quickly brushed his thumb across where the safety should have been, but he was promptly reminded his pistol had no safety. Something was broken, but it wasn’t the gun. What did Grey say about this again? Right, focus. But on what?

Basil realized what he was doing and lowered his gun, sitting on a chair beside the door. The energy and adrenaline began to wear off, and Basil realized how tired he really was. He needed to be asleep, then thinking over everything that had just happened, not carrying out whatever he nearly just did. Jarvis still looked on silently, although he seemed to have finally caught on to what was going on.

“You know he’s going to let you get away with what you tried to do to me” Basil said, staring at Jarvis, expecting a response but not getting one. “Ya’ know I came here to kill you. Well, I guess you probably figured that out with the gun and all. This (object), I’m worried it’s kinda pushing me to be more violent. Ya’ know, like I just snorted a line of cocaine. But I’m getting used to it, and I’ve seen enough violence for a lifetime in the last few days. Besides, the Elthrice had them and look how they wound up.”

Jarvis crawled backward away from Basil, still not saying anything. He was already terrified of this vengeful ghost, and now the vengeful ghost seemed to be insane. “Nothing?” Basil asked before continuing when Jarvis remained silent. “Well, I had some crazy adventures, and you’ll have plenty of time to hear about them since the General is in a forgiving mood. Let’s just say if I were him, I would do a lot more than strip you of your council seat.”

“He can’t do that” Jarvis responded in a whisper. “He can’t do that” he repeated in a louder, more panicked tone. Basil just laughed. “See you around asshole.” He got up and left Jarvis’s home, only to be confronted by Tobias, Simon, and three other soldiers flanking the two – weapons drawn. “I’ve been thinking about what you said” Tobias stated loudly as they approached from the edge of earshot. “Yeah, I believe I owe you an apology. I haven’t slept since we attacked the Lizard King’s makeshift outpost, and I’m still getting used to this (object), not that it’s an excuse for what I said-”

Tobias interrupted Basil. “No, I mean about letting a murderer go free. Basil, surrender yourself.” Basil stood confused for a moment before responding. “Oh, I didn’t kill him; that’s what I was getting to. I mean I bopped him on the nose and hurt his feelings, but he’ll be back to his normal assholery in no time.” Tobias stood there, looking a combination of relieved, annoyed, and confused. “Fine, lower your weapons. Somebody verify Jarvis is still alive. I’ll forgive the outburst, but do not question my authority again.” Tobias paused as the soldiers lowered their weapons and Simon went to verify Jarvis was still alive, but Tobias spoke again. “And Basil, if you have not slept since the fight, go get some sleep. Please.”

“Yes sir” Basil said, before remembering why he came there. “Oh right, is it okay if I park the Elthrice ship somewhere here?” Tobias looked very confused. “Why are you even asking me that, now, in the middle of verifying that you didn’t murder someone? Fine. As long as it’s not going to hurt somebody.” Basil pulled out his phone. “We’re all good.” Grey sounded suspicious. “That long for all good?” Basil replied “Yup, actually hold on, maybe not” and put his phone away; watching as Simon exited Jarvis’s house while Jarvis held him at gunpoint. “You’re going to take the outsider’s word over mine?” Jarvis yelled. Tobias had a sudden look of worry.

“Put the gun down Jarvis!” Tobias yelled, but Jarvis only sounded more angry after hearing that. “Put it down, put it down?” The soldiers flanking Tobias seemingly forgot what soldiers were supposed to do, until they remembered and began raising their weapons. They stopped and lowered them again, however, when Jarvis yelled out “Put your weapons down! Let’s see, who deserves to die more. Basil or Tobias? Basil or Tobias?” Basil stepped in between Jarvis and Tobias, yelling “Hey asshole, you-,” but Jarvis fired, striking Basil in the chest.

Basil began to speak in a sarcastic tone. “Well, I needed to field test this thing anyway; I really should be thanking you. And hey, problem solv-,” but was cut off by gunfire as one of the soldiers fired on Jarvis. “A little late, he only had one shot” Basil said as Tobias ran over to him. “Are you…” he began to ask, but Basil showed him the hole in his shirt and his uninjured chest. “Hey, I didn’t just say I was an unofficial Orbital because it sounds cool, although it does.” Everybody stared at Basil, unsure what to make of everything, and then at Jarvis, who was rolling around on the ground due to his now injured elbow. “Well, I’m going to get some sleep before I get even more loopier than I already am” Basil finally said, breaking the silence.