15: Fallout

Basil walked into the hall, tired and drinking instant coffee that tasted like iodide. Finding the table where the Arkepello representatives were he sat down, but out of the corner of his eye he saw two individuals that seemed to be watching him. One was shorter, even for a Domum crowd, with darker skin and a white shirt. The other one, much taller, had a large greying beard and wore a black shirt. After making some small talk while trying to watch the two without tipping his hand, Basil finally brought it up to the table.

“Don’t look now, but there are two guys that seem to be watching me or us. Shorter guy with darker skin and a white shirt, taller guy with a beard and a black shirt.” All three at the table immediately turned their heads towards the two, who both got up and left once it was obvious that their surveillance was known. “What part of-” Basil began, before Jarvis cut him off in a very accusatory tone. “That was Cicero and Casio, Cicero is a Redcap advisor. What did you do to get them to be watching us?”

“The Lizard King said there was going to be an assassination attempt on him and asked me to escort him back to his blimp, that could be why they’re watching us.” Jarvis huffed and walked off with Niles chiming in. “You what? Why would you help the enemy?” Basil was surprised at the sudden bitterly toned question and responded defensively. “I just accompanied them as they left, it’s not like I fought for them or gave them weapons. Besides, we’re neutral in the war between the Lizard King and the Redcaps.” The representative didn’t seem too pleased with Basil’s answer. “I don’t know about you, but we at the Arkepello are still close with the Redcaps.” When he spoke he emphasized Basil being an outsider, but suddenly Jace realized something in Basil’s statement. “Hold on, the Tyrant left?”

Before Basil could answer Jarvis returned, Police Capton Brayden now in tow. “This man is to be hung per Arkepello law for assisting an enemy.” Everybody looked shocked at Jarvis’s loudly exclaimed demand, not least of which was Basil who nearly jumped out of his seat and drew his pistol. The two guards flanking Brayden started to raise their weapons, but stopped as Basil went back and forth alternating which guard he held his pistol on. “That’s not according to my invitation, and if any of you even so much as move a muscle to try you four and the next six who try will be dead.” Brayden, scowling, spoke in a very angry but calm and authoritative voice. “Basil, lower your weapon.” Basil kept his weapon up, and the two soldiers flanking Brayden remained frozen holding their weapons half up, so Brayden spoke again. “Basil lower your weapon, you two as well” as he gestured to the two guards that flanked him. Basil and the guards very hesitantly started to lower their weapons, and with all eyes in the hall on the five Brayden began to speak again - very angrily and directing his words to Jarvis.

“That’s not an offense under Redcap law, which would be required of a demand such as that. Basil is not here as a representative of the Arkepello, so you also has no authority over the guards to command such an action regardless. You do not have such authority even if he were under Arkepello and Redcap law, only General Tobias could command that. And quite simply, I do not respect your authority period islander.”

Jarvis began to slink away, eyes firing imaginary daggers at the three that stood by him, and the whole group seemed much calmer now after Brayden’s lecture. Basil quickly holstered his weapon and spoke. “I’m so sorry about that, I thought that-” but Brayden cut him off. “Oh, I would forgive such a misunderstanding on its own, but for siding with the Lizard King I would have you hung myself if it were my choice to make. You are an enemy of the Redcaps and I would recommend you exercise great caution once the privileges within your invite expire.” Basil went to speak, but Brayden had already begun to walk away, with Niles and Jace staring at Basil with unwelcome glares.

Spiro stood in a corner, glass of wine in hand despite the early hour, speaking to somebody in a Redcap guard’s uniform. Basil rounded the corner at an almost jogging pace, saw Spiro, and started walking towards him as the person in the guard’s uniform began to walk away. “Hey, I might be in some trouble, you’re the only person here who seems to tolerate me. I’ve got some information I can trade for some help” Basil stated while trying to catch his breath. Spiro, unsure of what was going on, replied in a tone that seemed to be intended to try to calm Basil down. “Relax, I don’t need to barter information to help you if I can, what happened?” Basil, having finally seemed to have caught his breath, began to explain the situation, albeit poorly.

“I pulled a weapon on Brayden the royal police captain, who-,” but Spiro cut Basil off. “You what?” Spiro replied in surprise. Basil then, having finally collected his thoughts, recounted Jarvis’s demands to have Basil hung, the confrontation, Weston’s dressing down of Jarvis, and finally Weston’s threat towards Basil. Taking a moment to process everything, Spiro finally replied to Basil’s recounting. “Well, you’re great at making friends it seems” Spiro stated sarcastically, “But you’ll be fine. The Redcaps undoubtedly won’t be happy with you pulling a weapon on their Royal Police captain, but given the circumstances and you being here diplomatically, there won’t be anything done about it. And I wouldn’t take the threats made about retaliating after the festival seriously, he has no power outside of the city walls.” Basil seemed somewhat relieved, but only relative to earlier and concern remained in his voice, “Are you sure? He seemed really angry and I’m worried he’d try something.”

“Yes, I’m sure” Spiro replied, before pausing a moment to think and follow up his assurances. “If you’re really worried go to your room in the inn for today. I have some meetings throughout the day, but can accompany you this evening if you’re worried about some sort of retaliation. They certainly wouldn’t try anything with me around.” Basil seemed a little relieved. “Thanks, I um, yeah I think I’ll just lay low for a few hours” Basil replied, before turning to walk away. Before leaving, however, Spiro spoke again. “Before you go, why did Jarvis ask to have you hung? And also, do you know anything about the Lizard King leaving last night, a friend told me he met with you hours before he left.”

Basil, turning back back to face Spiro, responded. “Those two actually have the same answer, and it was one of the two pieces of information I thought I would offer to you.” Basil then began a short recounting of the Lizard King’s meeting, the talks that had apparently broken down, and then the late night request to accompany him while he left. Basil also then explained the two men who had followed him, and his conversation with the Arkepello representatives, which led to Jarvis’s demands. Spiro again stood there quietly, processing all the information he had heard.

“Well, while the Lizard King is a paranoid fool, I am certain he made up the story to gain your favor. The Redcaps would not have violated an oath like that, especially with the state of the war as it is. The Lizard King is weak, he has not been pulling troops away from the front lines because he wishes for peace as he says, but because he lacks the strength to fight a war.”

Basil went to speak, but Spiro continued. “I can see, however, why that would have angered others. He is very disliked here if you somehow were unaware.” Spiro again paused for a second, but continued speaking before Basil spoke. “Thank you though, that is good information to know. What was the other piece of information you were going to offer me?” Basil had finally fully calmed down. “The second piece of information was proof that I am who I say I am.” Spiro spoke more hesitantly as if to avoid offending Basil. “Your radio? Look, I saw it from a distance last night, I can’t take a radio with painted glass as proof of your claims.”

Basil simply flicked his wrist, pulling up the holographic interface of unknown origin that was embedded into him. A large bright display showed up in front of him, and Spiro jumped back in surprise. Basil just looked at Spiro with a neutral expression and waited for a response. “Okay, um, yeah” was all he replied with, suddenly at a loss for words as a facial expression that Basil thought looked like regret flashed over his face for a split second. “A little unnerving to know for sure that I’m not full of shit?” Basil asked, to which Spiro responded more coherently having collected his thoughts. “Yes, of course it’s unnerving for me. Knowing for certain you came from” Spiro paused, before finding the words he intended “Somewhere else, it’s a lot to process.” Basil began to say “It’s the same for me too, I-,” but Spiro cut Basil off. “How is it unnerving for you!? You’re the one who came here with that, that thing.” Basil, continuing calmly, picked up where he left off his sentence.

“Well, neither I nor any of my people made that interface or the technology that brought me here. I also have no memories older than a year, so however you’re feeling I can assure you I’ve felt it too.” Spiro paused to process all Basil had said, before simply replying “Oh,” again seemingly at a loss for words.