14: Extraction

Basil was woken by a knock on the door. He struggled to open his eyes, the effects of the liquor still not fully worn off. He checked the watch next to his bed: 3 AM local time. He heard another knock on the door, but this one was much more aggressive than the previous one. He was definitely awake now. Getting up quickly he grabbed the rifle by his bedside, chambered a round as quietly as he could, and made his way to the door. He cracked the door open slightly in an attempt to keep the rifle out of view of the visitor, seeing the ‘Wizard’ on the other side. The ‘Wizard’ immediately pushed the door open and entered the room, undoing all of Basil’s efforts to hide the weapon and prevent his visitor from entering.

Before Basil could formulate what to say the ‘Wizard’ spoke in a calm tone, but one that seemed to hide unease deep within it. “Is that one of your people’s weapons?” A still confused Basil replied with a “Yes, why are you here?” The ‘Wizard,’ who seemed to be looking around the room almost frantically to make sure they were alone, replied to Basil’s question with his head turned still canvasing the room. “His grace has requested your presence, we believe he may be in danger.” Basil was now only more confused. “Now?” Basil asked, before following up with a “Why?” moments later. “That we will discuss in his presence, please bring the weapon with you.” Basil shook his head. “I’m not giving you the rifle” Basil replied. “Yes, that is why we are requesting your presence. Please, come with me now.”

Basil, still unsure of the situation - but having been convinced to come along - wrapped the rifle lightly in a coat and followed the ‘Wizard’ through the nearly empty halls. Making their way up some stairs, and into a much more extravagant area of the inn, they finally made it to a large double door with the Lizard King’s soldiers standing guard outside. Being waved through by the ‘Wizard,’ the two finished their late night walk and found themselves standing in an even more ornate room than the halls implied; the Lizard King and his son standing in the center surrounded by yet more soldiers. Taking stock of the situation, the ‘Wizard’ broke the spell of silence the whole group was under.

“An informant has indicated there is to be an attempt on the King’s life, a direct response to our meeting with you.” The last bit of tiredness left Basil as he realized he might be caught up in the middle of an assassination attempt. “Are you sure?” Basil asked, before following up with a “How do you know?” The Lizard King, who had remained silent until this point, finally spoke. “Thank you for coming, it appears you may not be the only one who has few friends here. Yes, we are certain there is to be an attempt on my life at some point during the festival.” After finishing his statement, the ‘Wizard’ picked up where he left off.

“We have asked you here to escort us to our airship.” Basil, confused at the request, prompted another question. “Why ask me to join you though? If you’re worried about assassins, you have guards. I’m just one guy, and I’m not a soldier.” Though the ‘Wizard’ appeared to be about to answer Basil’s question, Basil quickly interjected with another. “Wait, you guys have an airship?” The ‘Wizard’ nodded. “Yes, one from Amigoso,” though he answered Basil’s latter question with annoyance.

“The Redcap soldiers present here greatly outnumber us, even though we are aware of their treachery they could easily attack us and later fabricate a story about how one of our soldiers started a fight that led to an unfortunate incident where we were killed. If our government was put in a crisis of succession there would be no others capable of dispencing justice, unless Amigoso did so through trickery, but they hold no love for us. But you are an unknown, nothing is known about you except that you possess formidable weaponry. They likely would not attack us with any foreigner present, but you are also the only one we trust would not agree to support such a scheme.”

As the ‘Wizard’ finished speaking the Lizard King spoke again. “Once we are safely back at our capital we will reach out to you, we may wish for you to speak on our behalf to the Redcaps or have you visit our capitol to discuss options if you are willing. I still wish for peace, and with your backing and no opportunity for treachery the Bloody One may still be made to see reason.”

A plethora of thoughts rushed through Basil’s mind as he decided on the best course of action. Eventually, however, his mind was made up. “Okay, we go to my truck, get you three in the cab, and your soldiers around it. We go through the gate, get you to your airship, and get you out of here without violence. But, on one condition. Promise me you will do everything reasonable to avoid bloodshed.” The ‘Wizard’ looked incensed at Basil’s demand, but the Lizard King nodded. “Okay, I promise you that. But I would seek a promise of my own. Renew to me the promise you made to the Bloody One who authored your invitation, that you come to the aid of anyone that is attacked by another party during the festival.”

“This isn’t my war, I’ll help you leave, but I don’t know if I could fight for you. Even if it was a just fight.” The ‘Wizard’ glared at Basil, but the Lizard King seemed to hold no ill will. “I am not demanding this of you as a King, which I know you likely hold little respect for as an authority. I am only asking this of you as a father who wishes for his only child to live another day. But I will not hold it against you if you cannot honor the promise you made during your attendance.” Basil stood there, silent for a moment, before replying hesitantly. “Okay” he stated, before pausing again and continuing. “I promise you I’ll do what I can to uphold the peace during the festival.”

Some soldiers picked up a handful of bags, and some formed a circle around the Lizard King. Basil, hoping a display of a weapon would negate the need for one, put his coat on that was wrapped over the rifle and placed the sling over his shoulder. Walking with them, they made their way out of the building, drawing some attention from the guards but otherwise making their way through the night undisturbed. When they arrived at Basil’s truck he instructed the Lizard King, his son, and the ‘Wizard’ to stay in his truck while the soldiers walked outside the slowly moving vehicle to respond to any attacks. Approaching the gate Basil had entered through the previous day they all noticed a large group of Redcap soldiers standing guard around the gate.

“Open the gate, we wish to exit” one of the Lizard King’s soldiers shouted at the Redcap soldier who had left the gate closed despite their arrival. Though Basil couldn’t hear all of what the Redcap soldier said in response, he did catch “… Don’t really feel like doing so …” from part of the conversation. The Lizard King’s soldier raised his weapon slightly, prompting the Redcap soldiers to raise theirs to a low ready in unison, further causing the Lizard King’s soldiers to raise theirs in response. “Lower your weapons you fools!” Shouted the Lizard King as Basil rolled down the window, causing his soldiers to lower their weapons. The Redcap soldiers seemed to keep their weapons at low ready, and the one standing by the gate pully began walking over to Basil’s side of the truck.

“Be ready for anything” the ‘Wizard’ whispered as the Redcap approached. Moments before he arrived Basil shifted slightly to make sure his rifle was in view, then pulled up his PDA. The Redcap jumped back in momentary surprise. As soon as the Redcap seemed to have collected his thoughts Basil gave an order in a monotone voice. “Open the gate.” The Redcap spoke in an antagonistic voice, starting to say “Well, maybe I don-” but Basil cut him off. “As my invitation states, you must accept certain orders from me as if they were from your superiors. You are aware the penalty for disobeying an order is death, right soldier? And if you think you outnumber me, well, you obviously have never seen a drum mag at work.”

The soldier seemed unsure of how to respond, although unervingly to Basil he did not seem afraid of Basil’s power play. An uneasy silence came over the vehicle until the Redcap spoke again. “Well, you can’t fault me for harassing the murderous Tyrant. I am disappointed to see you assist him.” The Redcap turned around and returned to his group, and while nerves ran high as they all waited to see what would happen, the gate began to open. Basil drove through the gate slowly to allow the Lizard king’s soldiers to keep up on foot, and the group made their way to the area of the city where the Lizard king had parked his ‘airship’ and a further contingent of soldiers. Throughout the drive not a word was said that wasn’t the ‘Wizard’ giving navigation directions to Basil.

Finally making it there, Basil began to approach what appeared to be a small blimp that had apparently been acquired from Amigoso; and which served as the Lizard King’s transport to and from the Redcap capital. Finally bringing the truck to a stop, his three passengers began to disembark, but the Lizard King stopped halfway out the door to speak to Basil. “You have done us a great service, we will be in contact with you shortly once we’ve returned and once you’ve returned to Arkepello.” Before Basil could respond with anything beyond a nod the Lizard King had stepped out and closed the door, leaving Basil to watch them walk towards the blimp. As it began to take flight he turned his truck around and began to make his way back to the inn, hoping to salvage what little bit of sleep he could from the waning night.