9: An Invitation

Basil sat alone at a table tapping away at his PDA. He was drawing a little attention, certainly the unknown technology - whoever made it - would have been drawing attention even if he had been sitting in a cafe in NY or London. And yet here not only that, but he was technically an alien here, even if it only felt to him and the people here like he was just from another nation. Not to mention that most of the people here were only familiar with what would appear to be a 16th century equivalent of technology, with very rare glimpses of Amigosian technology which he could surmise was probably a late 19th century equivalent. Certainly no hard feelings for the odd looks.

“Hey, what’d you want to meet me about?” Basil asked as soon as he saw General Tobias approaching his table. Tobias sat and placed a stack of papers on the table, but seemed to change the topic noticing Basil’s prior use of his PDA. “You find any signals? Or anything about where that stuff came from?” Basil shook his head. “Nope, I gave up on that a month ago, nothing is here but standard radio waves. Whoever … or whatever made this stuff isn’t here anymore. Still spooky to think about some unknown forces with crazy technology.” Tobias chuckled. “Ironic coming from you, but at least I know what you’re up to.” Basil smiled. “Well, there’s a bit of a difference between a smaller radio and a hole in the fabric of reality” Basil said, before pausing and adding “But fair point I guess. So, what’s up?”

“Well, there are two things to discuss. The first thing, which I hope you will be glad to hear, is that I and the council have decided to grant you citizenship in Arkepello.” Tobias spoke in a very formal tone, Basil smiling when he heard the news. Tobias continued to speak but took on a somewhat less formal tone. “Jarvis took some convincing, but with the rest of the council in agreement and me having the final say over the matter it has been officialized.” Basil was ecstatic. For the first time in his memory, albeit an unusually short period, he had found a home in which he was not going to get shot at. Well, there was the once, but he reckoned that could be written off as an exception. Tobias, seeing Basil seemed happy but quiet, continued to speak.

“As for your payment, beyond the costs at which you accrued for the supplies, we have also agreed to provide you with a room in the dock hotel if you would consider that an acceptable payment. I know that you had originally asked that we supply you with food and raw materials, but a room in the diplomatic quarters comes with free access to the restaurant and if you require specific materials we could certainly work something out to acquire them. And, with most of the diplomats gone at this time of year, you will get the first choice of the room that you would like.”

Basil, still smiling, had finally collected his thoughts. “Thanks, yeah, that would be great. It means a lot to me to finally belong somewhere.” Tobias returned a quick smile and nodded, sliding over a stack of papers. The one on top, however, looked very different than the others. While the others Basil could recognize as fairly standard looking official Arkepello documents, the one on the top looked more like a scroll with a wax seal on it. The seal looked like nothing he had seen before, having the design of an axe and a cloth, with all the wax being white except for the cloth which appeared blood red. Tobias seemed to notice Basil’s confusion.

“The Redcap King’s seal, a peculiar design perhaps if you do not know their history. The axe represents the first Redcap King, who was a woodcutter by trade before he led a rebellion against the Lizard King and formed his own nation. The blood on the cap is self explanitory if you believe the legends at how adept he was with that axe.” Basil nodded, still looking down at the seal. “So, what does he want with me?” Tobias continued. “He has extended an official invitation for you to attend the upcoming peace festival, an event where the leaders of all the surrounding nations - friend and foe alike - attend to further peace and perform negotiations.” Basil still looked a little confused. “Why me though? I don’t exactly lead a nation.”

“Word has likely reached the Redcap capital about the man from a magic door that provided us with weapons and technology, he is likely both curious and seeking out the aforementioned weapons. Seeing your interest in learning more about this continent I would recommend you attend.” Basil still seemed uncommitted. “What exactly goes on there, aside from diplomatic stuff? Are there any rules I should be aware of?” Tobias just shrugged.

“Lots of drinking and eating, backroom deals, and fancy political speak. There are rules listed in your invitation, but they could be summarized as don’t fight wars or engage in violence and don’t carry a weapon in the presence of the Redcap King, who will be among the crowd on the third day of the event. Otherwise, you have near immunity and are governed by your own nation’s laws instead of the Redcaps’. Given the invitation is listed to ‘Basilious, of the Kingdom of Florida’ you will be fairly exempt from any rules or obligations.”

The two chuckled upon seeing how Basil was addressed in the invite. “Alright, sounds interesting. It will probably be a bit weird, though, attending the event as an independent individual alongside my new head of state.” Tobias seemed to be amused at Basil’s statement. “Well, you will always be a bit of an odd case. While you are officially a citizen you’re also as much an outside power, and likely not to be seen as an Arkepelian. Even in this conversation, I am as much addressing you as a representative of another nation engaged in trade as much as a citizen of my own.” Basil could tell Tobias was saying that either as a compliment or a simple statement of fact, not intending to put Basil down as an outsider. Still, however, Basil felt a little disappointed in being reminded his citizenship was as much a ceremonial reward as it was actual. Nevertheless, he kept his feelings internal, knowing that in truth he was an outsider. Tobias continued to speak.

“Further, I do not intend to attend the festival. The council will attend in my stead, I wish for the other powers to see my intention to pass my authority to them. But, I must ask, have you done anything to anger Jarvis?” Basil was surprised at the sudden change of topics. “What? No, I don’t think so. He’s been making it more clear he doesn’t like me lately, but I don’t think I did anything to make him do so. At least not intentionally.” Tobias made a quick hand gesture to indicate he didn’t seem to think Basil was at fault. “Good, I wanted to ask, but I expect he just fears you will take some sort of power or influence he expects to receive. However, in that case, I would like to make a request of you. Do you intend to bring your truck across the ocean and drive it to the Redcap capital?” Basil now seemed more confused. “Yeah, probably. I haven’t put much thought into it yet, but that’s probably the best way for me to get there.”

“Good. If you would be okay with it, I would like you to bring along Jarvis and the two other council members who also plan to attend, Niles and Jace. Such a trip would save them a lot of time and also perhaps give you and Jarvis a chance to get along better. Jarvis is often touchy about these things, but I believe that once he gets to know you, and more importantly realizes you have no intention of taking his council seat, will get along with you much better.”

Basil thought for a moment, hesitant to commit to spending more time with Jarvis. “Alright, yeah, I can do that. Just when you bring it up to him please make it clear you were the one that suggested it. I don’t want him thinking it’s some sort of slight from me.” Tobias nodded. “Very well, I will arrange for a ship to transport your truck. You’ll be transporting Arkepelians anyway, and a ship that can carry your truck is easier to plan than arranging a ferry and another means of land transport for them, so the island can handle expenses and planning for that.”