8: Battle of Sodium and Transistors

“Look away” Basil said, standing over a very boxy machine. “You can trust us to not share your secrets” Simon replied with a hint of confusion in his voice. Basil smiled. “Oh, I trust you, it’s just that ACE is going to arc weld and if you’d prefer to not be blind you’ll want to look away.” Simon, Tobias, and Basil all looked away as ACE used a repair drone to do some final touches on the radio. “You wanna’ do the honors?” Basil asked and Simon looked giddy as he flipped the switch. The four could suddenly hear voices being broadcast from Redcap territory.

All three smiled. “So, what was the culprit?” Tobias asked the repair drone controlled by ACE. “Too much corrosion. I sealed it off good and replaced the shorted-out parts, you should be good for a while.” Tobias seemed pleased. “Good, I can’t imagine what a new one from a smuggler would have cost.”

The three followed the repair drone out of the tower where Basil and Simon picked it up to carry it over the dirt and place it in the back of Basil’s truck. “Hey, so it’s not too important anymore since we could get your radio going, but I brought something along if you want it.” Basil took a handheld radio and a USB solar charger out of his truck, and flipping on the radio it picked up the same broadcast as they heard before. Tobias motioned for Basil to hand it to him, and seemed somewhat astonished. “It’s so small.”

Basil shrugged. “A little more advanced, but it’s the same principle as the Amigosian one and my guess is within Simon’s lifetime they’ll be making ones just like this.” Tobias turned to Basil. “How much?” Basil looked confused for a moment before realizing what Tobias was asking. “No, I meant it as a gift.”

“You sure? A radio isn’t an easy thing to come by.” Basil shrugged again. “They’re a little easier to get where I come from. I’m not really qualified to criticize Domum politics, but it’s a shame Amigoso is so closed off.” Tobias seemed like he wanted to ask something, but was unsure of how to say it. Eventually, he seemed to settle on the words to use. “Basil, would you be able to get me a thousand of these?” Basil was surprised at the question.

“Sorry, I could probably get you a couple dozen or something, but I don’t have that kind of money on hand right now.” Tobias shook his head and had an amused look on his face. “I would pay you of course, how much gold would get you a thousand of them?” Tobias asked, before pausing and adding a quick “If you’re willing to do so that is.” Basil thought for a moment. “Probably around 11 ounces if we included a solar charger for each one as well. But I’d have to double check.” Tobias looked like he had won the lottery. “And you would be willing to provide them?” he asked, to which Basil shrugged again and replied with a “Yeah.”

Tobias seemed to think for a moment. “And the medication you shared with Marge for the infection, would you be able to get us some of that as well? We greatly appreciate you sharing your supplies, but having some at the clinic of our own would be a great help.” Basil seemed slightly hesitant but agreed. “It may be a little hard since they restrict who they sell it to, but I’m sure I can find a way to get larger quantities of it.” Tobias seemed confused. “They restrict you from having such a life saving medication without approval?” Basil nodded. “Yeah, depending on where you are they restrict a lot of things like that.”

Tobias seemed to have another thing on his mind. “And cartridge guns?” Basil seemed very hesitant to answer, but after a moment he responded. “Yeah, I can probably get some of those, but please don’t use them to hurt people.” Simon laughed, and Basil realized how absurd the statement was before rewording it. “Or, well, please don’t use them to hurt people who don’t deserve it. I trust you, and with the Redcaps or the Lizard King at war using them to protect the Arkepello if needed would be a good thing. I just don’t want to be the enabler of some sort of invasion or unnecessary death and destruction.”

Tobias nodded in agreement. “I can promise you that they would only be used for the protection and benefit of Arkepello. We have always striven for peace.” Basil smiled. “Alright then, let’s see if I can get a line on some radios, antibiotics, and guns.” After a moment of silence Tobias responded. “Well, before that, why don’t we get a drink in honor of our working radio.”

The three made their way towards the docks where the Arkepello hotel was. As Tobias had explained to Basil on their previous trip there, it was owned by the nation itself and offered a place to stay and eat for anyone from sailors to diplomats. As all the locals knew it was the best place to grab a quality drink or meal if you were looking to spend a few bucks. However, one of the perks of being General, Tobias had explained, was that you and your guests got to eat for free.

When the three arrived they saw nearly the entire council there as well. Tobias had previously explained to Basil what the council was: each district of the nation would choose a member, and the council would choose one member of the group to lead the council on official matters. While it was informal for now, Tobias had indicated he intended to pass government authority to the council instead of his second in command upon his death. Of all the places Basil had heard about so far he reasoned that if there was a faction to randomly end up on and provide weapons to, Arkepello was certainly a good place to have wound up.

As Basil thought to himself and sipped a rather large glass of wine he could overhear Tobias talking about the stuff Basil planned to provide them with. Everybody seemed to be happy about it, at least everybody aside from the council leader Jarvis who was giving a suspicious glance. Jarvis had always seemed a bit suspicious of Basil, but he usually at least wore a smile as opposed to the look he was giving off now. Oh well, after some time he’d probably get over things. At least that was what Tobias said.