7: Introductions

Basil drove his newly acquired truck through a much larger wormhole, quickly going from seeing a snowmobile in the dark room of the facility to seeing a tropical paradise. A gush of wind mildly rocked the truck as it wouldn’t fit in the sealed room, but before long he was driving slowly across the sandy beach. Basil could feel a bit of dread, recalling his parting misunderstanding with the small group. Certainly, though, Tobias had seemed like he was looking forward to seeing Basil again and learning more about what they had both discovered, and once the angry mob saw their General they’d be less angry right? Oh shit, what if Tobias had a heart attack or something? That would be the way, to get shot for some unlikely chain of events. Best not to think of that sort of thing right now.

Basil quickly found himself near the center of the port town. He was certainly turning a lot of heads, but nobody was shooting at him, so that was an improvement at least. Next thing he knew he was at the base of the tower and exiting his vehicle. He walked into the tower, and upon seeing an empty desk walked up the steps and knocked on the door. “Come in” Tobias replied in a somewhat nervous tone. Basil walked in and immediately started speaking in an apologetic tone. “Sorry about the other day, I think I surprised some people. I didn’t actually shoot back, I just shot up in the air while making a run for the wormhole.”

Tobias seemed to take on a much more calm impression. “Thank you, they should have never fired upon you and they were not Arkepello soldiers or authorized to enforce our laws.” Basil smiled. “Well, I’ve had worse happen to me. I’d be very glad to chalk it up to some surprise at a wormhole. I can assure you I’ve been very surprised at them myself.” Tobias looked a little confused. “Surprised? Didn’t you make the ‘wormholes’ that brought you here?” Basil’s somewhat jovial tone switched to a more foreboding one. “Not exactly, I just found them and I’m trying to figure out what the hell is going on.” Tobias responded with a surprised “Oh” before getting distracted by something he could see outside the window and speaking in an almost humorous tone. “Looks like Simon is returning, he ran out as soon as he saw your vehicle. He’s a good kid but not much of a soldier.” Basil’s smile returned to his face. “Well, I can assure you I’m no threat. So, tell me about yourself and your nation.”

General Tobias started to go over a map, starting with the continents. They were only a day’s boat ride from the continent of Domum, where their civilization had originated. There was the northern continent Loquail, “Where everybody looks like you” Tobias said to Basil. Very occasionally their trading vessels would arrive on Arkepello, usually bringing raw iron in exchange for grain or weapons. There was also another continent to the east, named Lotalem, “Though only the Amigoso ships are capable of reaching it.”


Tobias then went on to explain each nation within the continent of Domum and surrounding islands. To the north on the continent of Domum was the Redcaps, led by a king Tobias had met once; who’s royal bloodline stretched out over five hundred years. The Redcap kingdom was the most prosperous nation on the continent, and the second largest kingdom by land mass. Arkepello had once been Arkepellago County of the Redcap kingdom in the past, but nearly a hundred years ago his great grandfather had led the ‘Bloodless Rebellion’ that created their independence. When Basil inquired what the name change was about Tobias had simply explained that an old nearly illiterate Redcap king had misspelled it, then decreed that it was the county’s new name. Tobias seemed to think it was fairly humorous.

Tobias then went on to point out a nation towards the south of the continent known as the Lizard Kingdom. When Tobias said that it’s ruled by a dynasty of rulers that claim to have once been able to shapeshift into Lizards, but had since lost the ability, Basil laughed against all greater judgment of politeness. “You don’t believe them?” Tobias asked Basil. “Sorry, I mean if you’ve seen somebody actually able to shapeshift I’d believe almost anything right about now. But no, I don’t mean to be rude, but I just can’t believe a story like that.” Tobias laughed a little. “Don’t worry, nobody is going to be angry if you badmouth the Lizard king here. And I don’t believe them either.”

Tobias went on to explain more about the Lizard Kingdom. They had been the oldest unified kingdom on the continent, likely almost a thousand years old, but no one was certain how accurate their records were. They were, however, ruled by a cruel and despotic ruler. Their people were poor and abused, and their nation was crumbling under the weight of the war between them and the Redcaps. Even the land was colder and less inhabitable as if a monument to their cruelty. The war had been ongoing for nearly as long as the Redcaps had existed, but had increased in brutality under the especially cruel prior Lizard King. The current Lizard King, son of the previous one, however, had brought the war to a standstill out of necessity due to his lack of supplies and troop morale.

As Tobias began to focus on the oceans surrounding their continent, he pointed again to Arkepello. Arkepello, as he had said, was once under the rule of the Redcaps. It had previously served as a trading hub and naval base, but as the war devastated the Redcaps their then governor declared himself General and no longer under Redcap rule. Not looking for additional fighting the then Redcap king agreed, on two conditions. First was that that a tax be paid for all goods that went through the docs that didn’t come from or wasn’t going to the Redcaps. The second was that the Arkepello never took up a side in a conflict other than on the side of the Redcaps. Both conditions, however, had been lifted by the current Redcap king; and the Arkepello became a fully independent nation of trade and fishermen.

Towards the east of Arkepello was the larger island of Amigoso. They had also previously been a trading hub, but after many people with riches fled there from the war between the Redcaps and Lizard King they had become both a hub of innovation and greatly isolationist. “They actually made our radio, although it was likely stolen or smuggled out since they do not permit such exports” Tobias said. Basil was taken aback. “You have radios? I was unable to detect any signals last time I was here” he asked, before remembering Tobias commenting on his phone as if it were a radio. “Yes, just like you” Tobias replied. Basil doubted that they had radios like his phone, and would later confirm that they were simpler transistor radios. But still, apparently, Amigoso had electricity, transistors, and ‘cartridge guns’ as Tobias put it. Basil tried to inquire if he would someday be able to travel there, but Tobias explained that they would probably shoot him on sight if he arrived and sought entry.

As soon as Basil mentioned that he knew ‘cartridge guns’ as just guns, however, the conversation transitioned into Tobias asking Basil questions about what he knew and frantically writing down everything Basil said. Basil spoke of various nations, computers, and McDonald’s for hours. Before long the sun was setting, and even with the energy of excitement they could no longer keep their eyes open.