6: Most Normal Floridian

Basil stepped through the wormhole, surprised at the sudden guest of wind. Though the pressure in the sealed room was equal to that of sea level, it still did not affect the winds blowing across the ocean. He covered his eyes as the blinding sun and humid salty air momentarily overloaded his senses; and as his eyes finally adjusted he could see the jet flying away from the inflatable boat that had just dropped out of it. He immediately began packing the wormhole device into a backpack and put on an earpiece.

“Seemed to work” Basil quipped before starting the engine and orienting the boat north. “The hard part is complete, just get to shore and that device into the condo. No more flights or customs after this one last time, just in and out of a condo at will.” Basil nodded before remembering that ACE could no longer see him. “Roger that” he said before pressing the throttle.

The novel of driving the little boat wore off quickly as Basil found himself fatigued by the merciless beating of the sun and each wave that threw him around as it rocked the little craft. His achy muscles tightened, however, seeing a large boat in his path ahead. “There’s a boat up ahead, I think it might be coast guard or something, but I’m not fully sure.” ACE began to reassure Basil. “Relax and wave to them, there is nothing they can do.” Basil waved at the boat, which seemed to be vaguely turning in his direction as ACE continued to speak. “Your ID would pass if they ran it, and all they would be doing is searching out drug or weapon smugglers; not presumed citizens taking a joy ride. Anybody laser focused on something like that would probably believe you if you said the wormhole device was a printer.” The boat continued its course as Basil passed it, watching it go from growing larger to smaller on the horizon.

Soon docks came into view, and moments later Basil was tying his boat next to a couple of party yachts before taking his backpack and suitcase out of their plastic bags. Fighting sea legs and exhaustion he left the docks and hailed a nearby cab. “So, I take it you found out riding around there can be a bit more exhausting than they make it out to be?” the cab driver asked, noticing Basil’s exhaustion. “Ha, yeah, I didn’t expect it to be quite that much of a workout” Basil said, trying to smile despite his weariness. “So, where to?” the driver asked without missing a beat. Basil pulled out a paper and read off a Miami address, felt the car start to move, and leaned back to enjoy the air conditioning - which he now had a great appreciation for.

Slightly rejuvenated from the ride in the taxi, Basil stepped back into the heat while dragging his suitcase behind him. Unlike the previous leg of the trip, however, he only had to bear the weather for a few steps until he was in another island of air conditioned bliss - the lobby of the condo that ACE had just purchased. The lobby itself looked very pristine, full of plants, and had a carpet so white that it baffled Basil as to how something people walked on could be kept so clean. He noticed, however, a young somewhat unkempt guy watching him from the seating area near the desk. Basil began to fear that he was being watched by someone undercover, perhaps the papers ACE set up were not as foolproof as he thought.

“Hi, I’m Tasha, how can I help you today?” the woman behind the counter asked Basil. “Hi, I’m Flint Isaiah” Basil replied, providing the fake name ACE had prepared his ID with. “I recently purchased unit 519.” Tasha slid some paperwork across the desk. “Oh, our newest neighbor! I just need your ID, your initials here and here, your signature here, and we’re all set.” Basil quickly filled out the paper and handed over his ID, getting it back with a set of keys moments later, alongside a laminated rule book that supposedly consisted of entirely sustainable bamboo paper. “Here you go, Elliot here will help you to your new home.”

Basil turned around to see the unkempt guy who was previously watching him, now standing right behind him. “Hey dude, I’m Elliot.” Basil turned around a tad surprised, but was glad that he wasn’t already being followed by more state officials quite yet - at least that he could detect anyway. “Hey, I’m Flint” Basil said, extending his hand to perform a handshake that Elliot either didn’t notice or ignored while grabbing Basil’s suitcase and walking towards the elevator. “So, where ‘ya from?” Elliot asked as soon as Basil caught up.

“Virginia, just outside of DC” Basil replied. “You a damn fed then?” Elliot asked, surprising Basil. “What? No, an accounted for a medical-” Basil began to say, before cutting himself off with a “The fuck are you doing?” as Elliot began to unzip Basil’s suitcase in the elevator. “Just curious if you had fed stuff with you, can’t be too cautious” as he looked at the suitcase that held a change of clothes and a pair of paratrooper boots. After a moment of hesitation, however, Elliot’s face seemed to take on a more sheepish expression. “Sorry dude, my bad.”

“It’s alright, just please don’t mess with my shit” Basil said, now feeling a little bad for yelling at the kid. Elliot raised his hands in mock surrender and cracked a smile before asking “So, wassup with the paratrooper boots though? Those don’t look like bean counter attier.” Basil laughed at the unexpected comment. “Must have missed the interview with the fashion police in the community rule book.” The two stepped out of the elevator where Elliot pointed to a door that Basil unlocked before the two stepped through.

“So, here we go, casa de Flint” Elliot said as he put Basil’s suitcase down on the floor. “Care for a toke? First one’s free” Elliot asked, but Basil turned down the unexpected gesture. “Um, thanks, but I’m good.” Elliot just shook his head. “You sure man? Next one won’t be free if you come looking” Elliot retorted followed by an awkward chuckle. “Yeah, I’m sure, I’ve still got to get unpacked. Maybe some other day.” Elliot just shrugged. “Whatever, your loss, have a good one Flint” before shutting the door.

Basil sat on the floor to take the wormhole device outside of his backpack, but his mind was elsewhere processing the events he had experienced. First today’s adventure, followed by the wormhole devices, Domum, and who he could have been before this raced through his mind. Soon enough he found himself checking his watch to see that he had been staring at the wall while sitting on the floor for nearly twenty minutes.

“All set, about to get things plugged in now” Basil said, putting the earpiece back in his ear and finally pulling the device out of his backpack. Basil plugged the capacitor filled adapter into the wall and the wormhole device into that before giving the go ahead to ACE. “Alright, that’s about enough adventure for one day, fire it up.” Seconds later a very minor draft hit Basil as the pressurized room fully equalized and Basil stepped back into the sealable room that he had left for the inflatable boat - a morning that both seemed like seconds ago and a distant memory.