
Public Consumption License v1.0+

The heart of this work is intended for the public consumption and distribution. As somebody who received a copy of information licensed Public Consumption V1.0+ you are granted the following rights:

  • The ability to download and archive the Heart of the Works(s) as provided.
  • The ability to distribute the Heart of the Work(s) non-commercially.
  • The ability to utilize rights granted by versions of the Public Consumption License V1.0 or greater.
  • The creator(s) reserve the right to grant you additional rights, however, they may not reduce your current rights granted to you.

However, the goal of the Public Consumption License is intended to allow the creator(s) full creative control and full monetary benefit of work(s). As such, it comes with all limitations not specifically granted, but specific limitations included are:

  • You may not distribute the work(s) for commercial purposes or monetary gain.
  • You may not produce derivative works.
  • You must provide a link to the original work (or otherwise indicate where you acquired the work) if possible.
  • If you distribute this work you must indicate that it is provided under the Public Consumption License, and provide a copy of the license if possible.


  • Heart of the work: The heart of the work is defined as the main creative endeavor, i.e. novel(s), writing(s), video(s), etc. This does not include the adjacent data or software (e.g. menus, third party platforms, backend software, software that the creative endeavor is created in or rendered in, etc.).
  • Derivative works: Derivative works are defined as modifications or alterations to the Heart of The Work provided to the user. Format shifting for archival, compatibility, or accessibility are NOT considered derivative works under this license.

Further Disclaimers

  • This is provided to you without any warranties, implied or otherwise.
  • The user agrees, by accessing this software, to forfeit all liabilities and legal claims against the creator(s) to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  • This license is not to prevent legal use of these works, even if legal use falls outside of this license, such as Fair Use. Further, any use permitted by law under the user’s jurisdiction is allowed, even if it would not be permitted under the creator(s)’s jurisdiction.
  • The exact interpretation of this license is up to the creator(s), with the exception of legal definitions such as Fair Use.